Straightening Crooked Teeth: Why It's Important for Overall Health

Straightening Crooked Teeth: Why It's Important for Overall Health

Straightening Crooked Teeth: Why It's Important for Overall Health

Straightening Crooked Teeth: Why It's Important for Overall Health

While crooked teeth appear to be a cosmetic issue, they can lead to some significant health problems if not attended to. Crooked teeth are a common dental problem, with over 75 percent of adults suffering from it. They lead to malocclusion, tooth decay, tooth loss, and more.

Malocclusion is the abnormal alignment of teeth, leading to a dent in self-esteem. It is crucial to take good care of your teeth to avoid problems. Let us consider the benefits of straightening crooked teeth.


Benefits of Straightening Crooked Teeth

It is crucial to check up on crooked teeth and work on them as soon as possible to avoid stress, unnecessary pain, and expensive visits to the dentist. The earlier you go for treatment for these problems, the better the chances for correction. Here are some of the benefits of teeth straightening.


  • Prevents Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is a disease that affects the gum and damages its soft tissue. If not treated, it can destroy the alveolar bone and lead to tooth loss. It is caused by bacteria infection in the gum over time. Crooked teeth make it hard to clean the teeth and gum. Straightening the teeth makes maintaining the gums easier, preventing periodontal disease.


  • Longer Lasting Teeth

As mentioned above, a gum infection leads to tooth loss. While that might be, crooked teeth risk breaking if not correctly aligned. Food biting with crooked teeth can lead to premature teeth loss, flattening surfaces, chipping, and fractures leading to tooth loss. Straightening this is the best way to ensure you keep your teeth lasting longer.



  • Reduced Temporomandibular Joint Damage

The temporomandibular joint is the joint that connects the jaw to the skull near the ears. It supports the movement of the mouth during chewing and talking. If irritated or strained, this joint can lead to jaw pain, headaches, dizziness, and ear pain. The damage usually results from a bad bite drastically reduced with teeth straightening.


  • Improved Overall Health

Most fatal problems have the mouth as a genesis; overall, teeth maintenance can best improve one's health. Bacteria from the mouth travel across the body into the bloodstream. They have the potential to cause damage to your arteries, risking heart diseases and strokes.

Dental hygiene ensures the elimination of bacteria on the gums and the maintenance of overall health. Straightening the teeth also prevents tooth decay, loss, or gum disease.


  • Improved Self-esteem

Crooked and misaligned teeth can lead to low self-esteem. People pride themselves on the beauty of their smiles. Crooked and misaligned teeth, tooth decay, and tooth loss are among the things that make many develop low self-esteem.

Statistics claim that teenagers with crooked teeth are more likely to avoid their peers to avoid being picked on. If crooked teeth adversely affect your mental health, a corrective procedure can help. Braces are the most common teeth-straightening tools that lead to improving one's smile and quality of life.

For more on teeth and misalignment, visit SmileOn Dentistry at our office in Marina Del Rey, California. Call (310) 822-0202 to book an appointment today.
