Is it Necessary to Straighten Crooked Teeth?

Is it Necessary to Straighten Crooked Teeth?

Is it Necessary to Straighten Crooked Teeth?

Is it Necessary to Straighten Crooked Teeth?

Straightening crooked teeth has many other advantages besides just giving you a gorgeous smile. Your smile may increase self-confidence, improve oral health, and prevent various medical issues.

What was formerly a treatment for kids and teens is now a routine for people of all ages. In recent years, many individuals have chosen to take proper care of their teeth as part of a healthy lifestyle, shunning the notion of having terrible teeth.

What Causes Crooked Teeth?


Crooked teeth can result from difficulty with the growth and positioning of certain teeth or jawbones. The tongue, lips, cheeks, and muscular tissue can also cause misaligned teeth and jaws. Other causes include tooth loss, baby teeth coming out earlier than they would naturally, accidents, and bone illness. Genes play a part in this; thus, they can run in families.

What Are the Issues Related to Crooked Teeth?


Sometimes, having misaligned teeth might lower your life's quality. For instance, having crooked teeth may make it difficult for you to chew, making every meal painful. Some stop smiling or avoid social situations, their crooked teeth making them overly self-conscious.

In addition to these health risks, the teeth may also result in:

  • Illness of the gums. Cleaning the spaces between these teeth might be challenging. Gum disease and tooth decay may develop into periodontitis. This is a more severe condition that can harm the teeth and bones if not treated.

  • Digestion and chewing. Additionally, improper chewing caused by crooked teeth may result in digestive issues.

  • A lot of wear. Temporomandibular joint disease, jaw strain, cracked teeth, and migraines can result from crooked teeth. The wear and tear from crooked teeth lead to the wearing away of gum and jaw muscles.

  • Difficulty speaking. Misaligned teeth might interfere with how you sound, making speech difficult.

  • Self-esteem. Self-esteem issues and social withdrawal might result from displeasure with how you appear physically.


Is the Condition Genetic?


Yes, some people are genetically predisposed to having crooked teeth. Having exceptional oral hygiene practices may not really affect one's chances of inheriting crooked permanent teeth. Since crowding causes teeth to move, those born with smaller jaws and mouths or those who get larger teeth are more likely to get crooked teeth.

Health Benefits of Straight Teeth


In addition to making, you smile better, teeth straightening can help you maintain good dental and general health. The following are some advantages of straightening the teeth:

  • Gums fit more snugly around teeth, preventing periodontal issues

  • It is simpler to brush and floss teeth

  • Eliminates excessive tooth wear and tear

  • Teeth are less prone to damage in an accident

  • Less strain on the gums and bones

  • Lower risk of headaches and pain in the face or neck

  • Indigestion is less common because chewing is no longer challenging

  • A straight smile increases self-certainty and self-worth

For more on whether it is necessary to straighten crooked teeth, visit SmileOn Dentistry at our office in Marina Del Rey, California. Call (310) 822-0202 to book an appointment today.
