




Invisalign vs. Braces: 5 Differences You Need to Know

Have you always wanted straight teeth? If you have, you understand the struggle of deciding between Invisalign® and braces. Having straight teeth can change your appearance and improve your self-confidence. If you want to transform your smile, keep reading to know the differences between Invisalign and braces.

What Type of Dental Crown Lasts the Longest?

A dental crown restores function, size, and shape by covering the damaged tooth. Dental crowns are not a permanent restoration option but are worth getting. They can restore cracked or broken teeth and protect a fragile tooth from breaking or after a root canal. It can also attach dental bridges.

Dental Bridge FAQs

Should you get a dental bridge for your missing tooth? Dental bridges can help restore your teeth to their natural look and function. They fill in the gap where the missing tooth is, especially if the gap is between healthy teeth. Healthy teeth help support the dental bridge.

Detecting Cavities With the DIAGNOdent™ Laser

Tooth restoration can become costly, especially if your teeth have severe damage. Fortunately, the use of DIAGNOdent™ laser has reduced tooth decay prevalence in recent years. Thanks to this innovation, dental specialists can help detect dental carries during their early stages. Patients can now have long-lasting healthy teeth and spend less on dental treatments.

How Would I Know If I Needed a Deep Cleaning?

Regular dental cleanings are not only necessary but crucial. The main reason for regular dental cleanings is to reduce your chances of developing gum disease or tooth loss. But if you ignore them long enough, issues may start, and you may need more than regular cleaning.

Who Is a Candidate for Sealants?

Dental sealants are thin, plastic coatings that bond to the chewing surfaces of molars and premolars. They are good at preventing tooth decay and cavities in these back teeth. The reason is they quickly bond into the grooves of these teeth. They form a shield over the enamel of each tooth.

How to Improve Your Dental Hygiene Technique

Most people know it is necessary to brush their teeth every day. However, most people do not realize that there is a right way to do it. Your dental hygiene technique plays a vital role in protecting your dental health. Failing to take care of your dental health can lead to serious oral conditions. It is necessary to visit your dentist regularly for a checkup. Following are tips on how to improve your dental hygiene technique. 

What Are Porcelain Veneers?

Getting a dazzling smile is not as difficult as you might think. If you are looking to get a perfect smile, there is no big secret. You can take advantage of certain dental procedures to obtain the smile of your dreams.

Am I a Candidate for Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening is the process of lightening the color of your teeth. Over time and with age, teeth appear yellow. Whitening will not make your teeth brilliant white, but it will lighten the existing color.

5 Benefits of Invisalign Over Traditional Braces

Misaligned or crooked teeth are not attractive to the eye. They are also quite strenuous to clean. Teeth that cannot get cleaned properly are prone to contract periodontal disease. Contracting periodontal disease is a risk factor for tooth loss and bone damage.
